They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up your Anime Collection

Tagged philosophy, poem

Four hundred series and thousands of files.
Captured, enraptured, you japanophiles.
Catalogues, blurbs, ratings accrued
And don’t you forget about labeled seiyuus.

DVD, Blu-Ray, Web or TV:
Each ep is a row in your cherished DB.
Eons of effort tied up in this task
Of your hiding behind—not a bit mask.

Torrents, usenet, web-DL too
You’ve captured a series, perhaps it is new.
But… how come you’re proud that you’ll never see
The item that tickled your heart, and for free?

Which persona of yours drives your bad habit?
Leaving it lonely after you’ve grabbed it?
Is it the comfort of knowing it will always be there?
Please. You could find it again. You know where.

Is ordering files really that fun?
That isn’t rhetorical. Consider it, hun.
One little item for inward reflection:
Imagine your life without your collection.

What is the thing that you feel now is lost?
Is it moe; tiddies; an emotional sauce?
Depleted archives would make you deranged?
You can find them again—the content’s unchanged.

To love what you like, must it be so imprisoned
Lest it leave you forever while outside of your vision?
Just what has been jailed in your media shrine?
Yourself with your captives: safety and time.

A Little Bite of BAR

Tagged fanfic, poem. Part 3 of 3.Start from the beginning?

The Gronch cackled and put down his blessing book.
That filthy old BAR had a nasty new look!

With a nasty grin of his own the Gronch hoisted and aimed.
The castle grounds were teeming with Tabs to be maimed.

From the top of tall castle came a sound like “thubibibib!”
Taking out Tabs was like yanking toys from a crib.

Let this be a lesson to all Tabs new and old:
With just the right blessings, a gross BAR turns to gold!

«Gronch, Part 3 of 3 »

The Tabs Taste the Tactics of Tall Castle's Terrible Tyrant

Tagged fanfic, poem. Part 2 of 3.Start from the beginning?

Although some thought of the place as a bore,
The Tabs down in Harbour had much to give thanks for.
The worst one could say was, if his mood was quite poor,
“How nice it would be if this frame had a door.”

The sun shone up high on a crisp autumn day.
The Tabs were all chatting during a break from their play.
Soon matters turned to the struggles of friends,
And the excuse of the date to help make amends.

An antler-eared Tab remarked with a sigh,
“If only the lads at Tall Castle came by.
My cousin, a chicken, is hard up on his luck.
That place has been ruined by a nasty green—”

Suddenly six arrows appeared in his face!
The Tabs ducked for cover in a perilous race!
From windows and doorframes there billowed white smoke
(“I knew I needed a door”, grumbled a bag-headed bloke).

The reindeer’s own cousin had turned to the dark!
A rooster-masked hacker who flew in on a lark.
He’d bought some fresh cheats to win fights for free,
And as the Tabs scrambled he clucked loudly in glee!

But the panic was stopped by a Tab with a hat
(And a billowy shirt that made him look fat).
“Listen up, Tabs! This jerk has the gall
to swoop in on Thanksgiving and slaughter us all!”

“But he’s made one mistake, he forgot today’s date!
And today is the day that our friendship’s most great!
Let’s show this dumb cluck that he can’t be a winner
And then let’s go home and eat his feathers for dinner!”

With courage anew the Tabs rallied and struck!
The hacker (and cousin) were both out of luck.
And as the sun set the Tabs danced and sang,
Giving great thanks for fun times with the gang.

«Gronch, Part 2 of 3 »

The Gronch Trounces the Tabs from the Tip Top of Tall Castle

Tagged fanfic, poem. Part 1 of 3.Start from the beginning?

Now the Tabs down in TABG liked battle a lot.
But the Gronch, high up in Tall Castle, did NOT.

From his towering fortress the Gronch frowned and said,
“These goggle-eyed tabs aren’t right in the head!”

“They shoot and they loot and they blast euro-trash!”
“My whole castle shakes with every car crash!”

The very next day, some Tabs stole his car!
The only thing left was an empty old BAR!

The gronch jumped in the air and and shouted “I’ve had it! Enough!”
“I can’t take any more of this battlegrounds stuff!”

He dashed to his keyboard and started to work!
The hours flew by and his frown changed to a smirk!

One short week later the Gronch sat back to relax.
Tall Castle was quiet now, that was a fact!

His hard work paid off! The Tabs were defeated—
They’d seen what he’d done and had swiftly retreated.

The Gronch cackled and and browsed to
Download Fresh TABG Hacks for the Low Price of Free.

«Gronch, Part 1 of 3 »

The Bug Boys

Tagged poem

Shutter your windows
and lock up your homes
I’ll spin you a tale
that’ll send chills through your bones.

If you listen real closely
you can hear distant shrieks:
A sound not from lost children
nor from murderous freaks!

Perhaps you’ve heard tell
of a peculiar swarm
Which comes from a place
that’s both evil and warm

They shriek out in hunger—
They’ll creep through your home
and devour your kin

You can try and escape,
but there’s nowhere to run
Your panic and fear
are just part of their fun!

You don’t stand a chance—
It’s your life that they prize:
Their deafening drone
will drown out your cries;

As you whimper and wheedle
They will take what they crave.
Leaving nothing behind

It’s growing louder now—
That horrible noise—
Can you hear it? They’re coming.
Yes! The BUG BOYS!

Melodical Muse

Tagged poem

Sing a song of sufferance, chords of sin and strife
My muse epitomizes elegance, but has no mortal life

Hatsune Mix

Tagged poem


The Bargain

Tagged poem

A rather longish time ago
when heaven was a place
a kind of twisted sort of girl
fell firmly for a face.

She gathered up forbidden tomes
and followed shifty rules;
the shadows that her candles cast
were jumping jet-like jewels.

Unflinching but still passionate
She invoked the devil’s name.
And the shadows cast all coalesced:
the angles made a frame.

Deep with in the dark, she saw
With a shining crown of brass.
He had no horns, nor pointed tail
But a very splendid smirk.

“O darkest lord, I’ve summoned thee
to bargain for my soul.
But first I want your warranty
you won’t refuse my goal.”

He chuckled then, all sugar-sweet,
“My little dear, of course.
I shan’t deny your deepest wish,
whether a kingdom or a horse.”

“I’ll even make a bet with you.
I hereby guarantee:
If I decline to grant your wish,
I’ll give you one for free.”

Emboldened now she carried on
but her voice began to shake.
“Devil, dear, I want true love.
The truest you can make.”

“Of course, of course!” The devil laughed.
“Just tell me of his name.
His love for you will never fade
and shall forever live in fame.”

She stared deep into his eyes
of copper swirling thick.

And stared.

And stared.

And said,

“Devil dear, I’ve said it thrice
behind these hidden doors.
For ever and eternity,
the love I want is yours.”

The Devil
for the second time
in his long, long life
very surprised.

But soon he went away.
Something surely changed that night–
What it was I couldn’t say.

You don’t hear of many deals these days.
Perhaps the devil is ashamed.
Or did the fallen angel fall again
for the girl he entertained?

I hear the lass still laughs today.
Of her there’s little news.
But if the life she lives is hers–
I suppose you’ll have to choose.

The Devil Gave Me Wisdom

Tagged poem

The devil gave me wisdom,
because for wisdom I had asked.
“A sage’s choice”, he winked at me,
and vanished in a flash.
“But what about—” I cried in vain.
I haven’t seen him since.

The devil gave me wisdom.
He didn’t charge a cent.
He thought so cursed I’d end my life
And double what I spent.

The devil gave me wisdom!
That jester laughs at me.
Each koan and tale I know for fact
Lacks the truth of lies;
And lacking personal experience
I’m just a walking tome that dies.

The devil gave me wisdom:
I should have asked for love.
But knowing him as I do now,
I know just what he’d say:
“I’ll grant your love, O lonely man,
I know for what you pray.
But knowing you as I do now,
I doubt your love would stay.”

A Riddle of Civilization

Tagged poem

I left when the village became a town.
I returned when the town became a city.
I was a part of the nation it became.
But when the country fell, I was with the rebellion.

What am I?

1 of 1

it's sabs, like "sobs"