They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up your Anime Collection

Tagged philosophy, poem

Four hundred series and thousands of files.
Captured, enraptured, you japanophiles.
Catalogues, blurbs, ratings accrued
And don’t you forget about labeled seiyuus.

DVD, Blu-Ray, Web or TV:
Each ep is a row in your cherished DB.
Eons of effort tied up in this task
Of your hiding behind—not a bit mask.

Torrents, usenet, web-DL too
You’ve captured a series, perhaps it is new.
But… how come you’re proud that you’ll never see
The item that tickled your heart, and for free?

Which persona of yours drives your bad habit?
Leaving it lonely after you’ve grabbed it?
Is it the comfort of knowing it will always be there?
Please. You could find it again. You know where.

Is ordering files really that fun?
That isn’t rhetorical. Consider it, hun.
One little item for inward reflection:
Imagine your life without your collection.

What is the thing that you feel now is lost?
Is it moe; tiddies; an emotional sauce?
Depleted archives would make you deranged?
You can find them again—the content’s unchanged.

To love what you like, must it be so imprisoned
Lest it leave you forever while outside of your vision?
Just what has been jailed in your media shrine?
Yourself with your captives: safety and time.

it's sabs, like "sobs"