They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

The Bargain

Tagged poem

A rather longish time ago
when heaven was a place
a kind of twisted sort of girl
fell firmly for a face.

She gathered up forbidden tomes
and followed shifty rules;
the shadows that her candles cast
were jumping jet-like jewels.

Unflinching but still passionate
She invoked the devil’s name.
And the shadows cast all coalesced:
the angles made a frame.

Deep with in the dark, she saw
With a shining crown of brass.
He had no horns, nor pointed tail
But a very splendid smirk.

“O darkest lord, I’ve summoned thee
to bargain for my soul.
But first I want your warranty
you won’t refuse my goal.”

He chuckled then, all sugar-sweet,
“My little dear, of course.
I shan’t deny your deepest wish,
whether a kingdom or a horse.”

“I’ll even make a bet with you.
I hereby guarantee:
If I decline to grant your wish,
I’ll give you one for free.”

Emboldened now she carried on
but her voice began to shake.
“Devil, dear, I want true love.
The truest you can make.”

“Of course, of course!” The devil laughed.
“Just tell me of his name.
His love for you will never fade
and shall forever live in fame.”

She stared deep into his eyes
of copper swirling thick.

And stared.

And stared.

And said,

“Devil dear, I’ve said it thrice
behind these hidden doors.
For ever and eternity,
the love I want is yours.”

The Devil
for the second time
in his long, long life
very surprised.

But soon he went away.
Something surely changed that night–
What it was I couldn’t say.

You don’t hear of many deals these days.
Perhaps the devil is ashamed.
Or did the fallen angel fall again
for the girl he entertained?

I hear the lass still laughs today.
Of her there’s little news.
But if the life she lives is hers–
I suppose you’ll have to choose.

it's sabs, like "sobs"