They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

The Devil Gave Me Wisdom

Tagged poem

The devil gave me wisdom,
because for wisdom I had asked.
“A sage’s choice”, he winked at me,
and vanished in a flash.
“But what about—” I cried in vain.
I haven’t seen him since.

The devil gave me wisdom.
He didn’t charge a cent.
He thought so cursed I’d end my life
And double what I spent.

The devil gave me wisdom!
That jester laughs at me.
Each koan and tale I know for fact
Lacks the truth of lies;
And lacking personal experience
I’m just a walking tome that dies.

The devil gave me wisdom:
I should have asked for love.
But knowing him as I do now,
I know just what he’d say:
“I’ll grant your love, O lonely man,
I know for what you pray.
But knowing you as I do now,
I doubt your love would stay.”

it's sabs, like "sobs"