They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

The Gronch Trounces the Tabs from the Tip Top of Tall Castle

Tagged fanfic, poem. Part 1 of 3.Start from the beginning?

Now the Tabs down in TABG liked battle a lot.
But the Gronch, high up in Tall Castle, did NOT.

From his towering fortress the Gronch frowned and said,
“These goggle-eyed tabs aren’t right in the head!”

“They shoot and they loot and they blast euro-trash!”
“My whole castle shakes with every car crash!”

The very next day, some Tabs stole his car!
The only thing left was an empty old BAR!

The gronch jumped in the air and and shouted “I’ve had it! Enough!”
“I can’t take any more of this battlegrounds stuff!”

He dashed to his keyboard and started to work!
The hours flew by and his frown changed to a smirk!

One short week later the Gronch sat back to relax.
Tall Castle was quiet now, that was a fact!

His hard work paid off! The Tabs were defeated—
They’d seen what he’d done and had swiftly retreated.

The Gronch cackled and and browsed to
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«Gronch, Part 1 of 3 »

it's sabs, like "sobs"