They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler


Tagged scifi
Anonymous ◆ 24685328
This is a weird question but has anyone else's headphones gotten all weird lately?
I have expensive ones that sound great but they get staticky at weird times and
sometimes they pan around or get quieter.

Anonymous ◆ 24685330
>with his expensive buds

Anonymous ◆ 24685334
I think I know what you mean. It's like the noise is normally contained in
a box around your head, but when this happens, the box moves around or grows or
shrinks and the sound changes, right? And then the static happens when it
shakes or bumps into something that you can't see.

Weird that it's not just me. I replaced my buds with the same model and figured
it was a lousy pair.

Anonymous ◆ 24685354
Yeah exactly!!

Anonymous ◆ 24685422
happens with mine too, new pair of wireless ones, TypeSONG TS342
seems to be random

Anonymous ◆ 24685430
Mine are Noure KS+. I checked again and I had Noure KS (no plus) before.
TypeSONG and Noure probably wouldn't have sourced the chips from the same
vendor, but that's the only explanation that makes sense. I'm still using my
old Tunester, so it can't be my device. It wouldn't be using the newest
wireless audio spec either. Strange.

Anonymous ◆ 24685451
I had a REALLY awful static burst yesterday and I REALLY wish you hadn't talked
about bumping into things. I got home late and when it happened on the walkway
I ran inside and couldn't calm down for like ten minutes

I'm gonna return these

Anonymous ◆ 24685451
I have these. They're great! No problem.

it's sabs, like "sobs"