They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler



Section 1. Meeting: The BI-FORTNIGHTLY JAPAN-SOURCED TRADITIONALLY / DIGITALLY ANIMATED TELEVISION PRODUCTION GATHERING (henceforth “The Meeting”) shall be defined as a gathering in which attendees of The Meeting engage in synchronized viewership of a Japanese-produced traditional or digital television animation (henceforth “Anime”), for the purpose of recreation.

Section 2. Venue: The Meeting shall take place in the “The Meeting” Discord server.

Section 3. Attendance: The Meeting shall be defined by digital presence in “The Meeting” Discord server of some persons (henceforth “attendees”) RESTRICTED TO the two parties who have mutually agreed to this definition of bylaws, UNLESS such events occur such that all attendees mutually consent to the attendance of, temporarily or permanently, an additional person or persons.

Section 4. Schedule: The Meeting shall take place NO MORE THAN one time per two (2) weeks of the standard calendar year, at a time mutually agreed upon by the attendees.


Section 1. Article II shall enumerate terms and definitions whose understanding is necessary for the further understanding and comprehension of the bylaws enacted by this document.

Section 2. The definiton of a “character” shall be set by mutual agreement of attendees and is not under any further restriction.

Section 3. An “event or scene of romantic potential” (henceforth “event”) shall be defined as a cinematic depiction of any occurrence, involving any number of characters, in which the romantic attractions of any of the presented characters is understood by all attendees to, due to the occurrences depicted or occurrences previously depicted, shift in favor of, or away from, another character.

Section 4. Any erotic scene involving more than one character is classified as an event IN SPITE OF any absence of apparent shift in romantic attractions at the time of the scene itself.

Section 5. A “romantic interest” (henceforth “interest”) of some character shall be defined to be any other character who, by mutual agreement of attendees, is a reoccuring recipient of events between themselves and said character, which are not dismissed by said character out-of-hand as either a joke or a total non-interest.

Section 6. A “romantic advance” (henceforth “advance” or “move”) shall be defined as the deliberate attempt of one character to invoke an event between themselves and another character.

Section 7. A “romantic suitor” (henceforth “suitor”) of some character shall be defined to be any character who repeatedly advances upon said character.

Section 8. A “romantic entanglement” (henceforth “entanglement”) shall be defined as existing between two characters (henceforth “entangled parties” or “parties”) whose interactions are understood to be, by mutual agreement of attendees, frequently perpetuated by events or advances. At least one party of an entanglement is, by definition, an interest of the other party; however; an entanglement does not necessarily require one party to be a suitor of the other.

Section 9. A “romantic agreement” (henceforth “doki-doki lovey-dovey chu-chu heart-throbbing fluffy romance”) shall be defined as mutual entanglement in which both parties agree that they are interests of each other. Either party may or may not also be a suitor of the other.


Section 1. Any anime which is known to be, or discovered to be, in violation of any of the rules enumerated in the sections Article III shall be, upon mutual acknowledgement of said violation by all attendees, barred from depiction at The Meeting, and immediately removed from The Meeting, in the case that the anime’s state of violation is first discovered during The Meeting.

Section 2. The term “plot-relevant” shall henceforth be defined as “having been mutually agreed upon, by all attendees, to be integral to the progression of the story of the anime.”

Section 3. Disallowal of familial romantic relationships: No character, whose romantic status is plot-relevant, may be entangled with another character to whom they are related by blood. This includes BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: siblings; parents; siblings of parents; children of siblings of parents; and parents of parents.

Section 4. Disallowal of pseudo-familial romantic relationships: The rules outlined in Article III, Section 3 ALSO apply to any characters not related by blood but whose effective familial roles are FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT to that of one of the depicted blood relatives. This rule is most relevant to BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: step-relatives; adoptive or adopted relatives (officially or effectively); in-laws; and god-relatives.

Section 5. Disallowal of harems: A “harem” shall be defined as a collection of three or more entanglements, wherein there exists a “central” character, such that said character is a party of every indicated entanglement. No character, whose romantic status is plot-relevant, may be the “central” character of a harem.

Section 6. Relevant age determination: The “relevant age” of a character shall be defined by what is understood to be, by mutual agreement of all attendees, the value among the following options which is most relevant to the enforcement of the guidelines described in Article III, Section 8. (a) the character’s “stated” age, as spoken by said character or depicted within the anime in an assertive capacity; (b) the character’s “official” age, as described by reference data published in an official capacity by the creator or creators of the anime or the media upon which it is based; (c) the character’s “apparent” age, which may be presented by the media itself in a stated or official capacity, or; if not presented, may be heuristically determined PER ENTANGLEMENT by the algorithm described in Article III, Section 7.

Section 7. Apparent age determination algorithm: For any given pair of entangled parties, if either party’s stated or official age is determined to be over one hundred (100) years of age, the apparent age of that party shall be considered to be thirty (30) years old, UNLESS said party is shorter in height than the other entangled party, in which case the apparent age shall be considered to be sixteen (16) years old. Furthermore, if either party retains memories of a past life, the apparent age of that party shall be considered equal to: seven plus the average of said character’s stated living age and the oldest known living age of any of their previous incarnations.

Section 8. Disallowal of notable relevant age differences between entanglement parties: For EVERY romantic entanglement in which any party’s romantic status is plot-relevant, the following statement MUST hold true: take the older party’s relevant age, divide it by two, and add seven; the resulting value shall be greater than or equal to the younger party’s relevant age.

it's sabs, like "sobs"