They say sin is the measure of distance from god and this is my ruler

Inventory of gifts from a forgetful witch

Tagged magic. Part 2 of 3.Start from the beginning?

A high performance cat cable rescued from the litter.

A heavy shoebox labeled “single use antique tables, for parties”.

A dry-erase marker whose ink is always the same color as the board.

A gently worn leather couch that purrs when sat upon. The cushions are very

An ice pack that never stops getting warmer after it’s taken out of the

A carpenter’s level that frantically pushes away from any uneven surface it approaches.

An extremely sharp butter knife. It wishes it could messily carve a steak, slice or skewer crisp and juicy chicken, playfully flay a misplaced finger—anything but spread another year of margarine on whole grain toast.

An ornate cherrywood box about the same size as your grandfather’s hand. The inscription reads, “Contains 8th deadly sin. Please do not open yet.”

A picture frame that always tilts itself. Away from the wall.

A floating question mark that sneaks into conversations and messes with intonation?

«Inventory, Part 2 of 3 »

it's sabs, like "sobs"